Replica rolex green water ghost is also a classic watch

Replica Rolex Green Water Ghost is a popular product of Rolex in recent years, and the price has risen again and again. Now the domestic public price has reached 70,000 yuan. The special dial color of rolex green water ghost gives people a bright feeling. It is a product liked by young people who like to pursue individuality. The fully automatic movement and the sturdy workmanship of Rolex can meet the daily outdoor activities. It is like diving or outdoor sports. The watch of choice for the crowd.

Like the black water ghost, the replica rolex green water ghost is also a classic replica watch. Rolex Green Water Ghost belongs to the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Submariner calendar watch, which caused a sensation with its amazing technology of waterproofing up to 300 meters.

Fake Rolex Green Water Ghost’s movement is equipped with replica Rolex Ace 3135 movement, a self-winding mechanical movement, equipped with the Parachrom Hairspring which is the latest invention of Rolex, so it has a very good shock resistance. This movement is convenient for daily routines. Weared by people in outdoor activities, it is the first choice watch for people who like diving or outdoor sports.

The rolex green water ghost uses up to 3 layers of tightly sealed rubber rings to achieve a high degree of waterproof effect. In addition, a piece is added on the outside of the crown tube. If you pull it out, the replica watch can still be seen, and the strap is Very popular Oyster strap.

In short, the replica rolex green water ghost has become one of the priceless watches that everyone knows now, and it is not without reason. If you are interested in buying a rolex green water ghost,

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